
Resin, fabric, wooden base
This Japanese geisha figurine, with a delicate face, is a perfect addition to any collection of decorative objects. It measures approximately 30 cm high. It represents a traditional geisha, dressed in her kimono and her obi (wide belt of traditional Japanese costume)
Geishas are traditional Japanese arts and music performers specializing in Japanese dance, singing, and a variety of instruments including the hand drum, shoulder drum, shamisen, or Japanese flute. They train throughout their lives, are highly skilled and some of the oldest geisha are even "living national treasures", the highest artist status in Japan.
Réf  :   #240004
Color(s) :  Multicolored
Material :  Resin


Faithful replica figurine of a traditional Japanese Geisha.

0 41  English  Français
Last update : 15/05/2024
40400 Bégaar
89.80 €
69.60 €
106.30 €
14.90 €
4.00 €
4.10 €
8.90 €

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Resin, fabric, wooden base
This Japanese geisha figurine, with a delicate face, is a perfect addition to any collection of decorative objects. It measures approximately 30 cm high. It represents a traditional geisha, dressed in her kimono and her obi (wide belt of traditional Japanese costume)
Geishas are traditional Japanese arts and music performers specializing in Japanese dance, singing, and a variety of instruments including the hand drum, shoulder drum, shamisen, or Japanese flute. They train throughout their lives, are highly skilled and some of the oldest geisha are even "living national treasures", the highest artist status in Japan.
Réf  :   #240004
Color(s) :  Multicolored
Material :  Resin


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Last seen:  1 hour ago

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