
Very pretty BACCARAT crystal vase with slanted neck
Design from the 60s, post 90s production (double stamping)
Exceptional condition, this pretty 21 cm vase has not seen many flowers!!!

Height: 21 cm
Diameter: 6 cm
Weight: 1kg
Careful packaging and protection.
On request, possibility of delivering to depots 56

Réf  :   #241827
Brand / From :  BACCARAT
Color(s) :  Transparent
Material :  Crystal
Pattern :  Geometric


BACCARAT crystal vase

0 40  English  Français
Last update : 17/05/2024
  Negociate !
56880 Ploeren
92.30 €
72.10 €
107.80 €
28.80 €
5.30 €
5.60 €
12.90 €

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Very pretty BACCARAT crystal vase with slanted neck
Design from the 60s, post 90s production (double stamping)
Exceptional condition, this pretty 21 cm vase has not seen many flowers!!!

Height: 21 cm
Diameter: 6 cm
Weight: 1kg
Careful packaging and protection.
On request, possibility of delivering to depots 56

Réf  :   #241827
Brand / From :  BACCARAT
Color(s) :  Transparent
Material :  Crystal
Pattern :  Geometric


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Last seen:  21 hours ago

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