
Miloje Todorovitch Serbian | 1908 - 2002 Serbian painter and architect living in France at the age of 27, Todorovitch fell in love with the variety of French landscapes which he magnified thanks to an inventive treatment of form and great vitality as a colorist. Born in Belgrade in 1908, Miloje Todorovitch studied at university in Vienna, where he trained as an architect, then returned to Belgrade to attend the School of Fine Arts. In 1935, he came to France and began his career as a painter. His artistic temperament is expressed through easel painting, architecture and drawing. The contrast between his pictorial works, with rich and bold colors, and his satirical drawings full of ferocity reveals the richness of his nature and the duality of his temperament. He exhibits in Paris, at the Duncan Gallery, as well as in Berlin and Rome. In 1972, a major exhibition at the Maison de l'Amérique Latine in Paris was dedicated to him Type: Oil Style: 1980 Genre: Abstract Characteristics: Signed
Réf  :   #224947


Painting Oil On panel Abstract Miloje Todorovitch Lyrical Abstraction

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Last update : 05/05/2024
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31500 Toulouse
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Miloje Todorovitch Serbian | 1908 - 2002 Serbian painter and architect living in France at the age of 27, Todorovitch fell in love with the variety of French landscapes which he magnified thanks to an inventive treatment of form and great vitality as a colorist. Born in Belgrade in 1908, Miloje Todorovitch studied at university in Vienna, where he trained as an architect, then returned to Belgrade to attend the School of Fine Arts. In 1935, he came to France and began his career as a painter. His artistic temperament is expressed through easel painting, architecture and drawing. The contrast between his pictorial works, with rich and bold colors, and his satirical drawings full of ferocity reveals the richness of his nature and the duality of his temperament. He exhibits in Paris, at the Duncan Gallery, as well as in Berlin and Rome. In 1972, a major exhibition at the Maison de l'Amérique Latine in Paris was dedicated to him Type: Oil Style: 1980 Genre: Abstract Characteristics: Signed
Réf  :   #224947


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